Prompt AI

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Promt Ai 

Membuat Artikel dengan AI/Mesin yang anti plagiasi dan terdengar seperti buatan anda sendiri
Buka claude ai atau chat gpt - Ganti mode Focus menjadi Writing

#1 Membuat Judul Artikel

Gunakan prompt/perintah berikut:

Suggest 10 Blog Post title for each keyword below in Native Indonesian. The keyword must be included in the title. Please use power words, but do not use semicolon (:) on the title!
Masukkan topik/produk/usahanya disini

#2 Membuat Isi Artikel

Gunakan prompt/perintah berikut:
Write a long form blog post with SUBHEADINGs from the following topic "Masukkan judulnya disini" in Native bahasa indonesia. Use high degree of readability, unique vocabulary, sentence length variation (3 words - 12 words), and cheerful first-person human expression. The output should be in markdown styling:

#3 Copy hasilnya

Klik Copy to clip board

Copy hasil yang sudah rapi

Prioritas dalam membuat blog

Tidak plagiasi
Informatif, sesuai fakta dan tata bahasa
Memiliki struktur subheadings 
Memiliki rich snippets (FAQ, Gambar, dll)
LSI Keywords (biasanya untuk keyword yang kompetisinya medium – high )

Write a long form blog post with SUBHEADINGs from the following topic "Judul artikel" in Native bahasa indonesia. Use high degree of readability, unique vocabulary, sentence length variation (3 words - 12 words), and cheerful first-person human expression. The output should be in markdown styling. Include all LSI keywords below inside the article:
Masukkan Lsi keywords
From the article above, tell me the keywords below that is not yet included:
Masukkan Lsi keywords
If so, expand the blog using the keyword you didn't include yet
Write a long form blog post with SUBHEADINGs from the following topic "Best Low Cost MPV in United States". Use very short sentences (3 words - 10 words). The output should be in markdown styling:

Promo lengkaP dengan tabel dan Faqs

Write a long form blog post with SUBHEADINGs from the following topic "Mengapa Emina Skincare adalah Solusi Tepat untuk Kulit Cantikmu?" in Native bahasa indonesia. Use high degree of readability, unique vocabulary, sentence length variation (3 words - 12 words), and cheerful first-person human expression. Write at least 2000 words. You must place table with numbering data where it is needed. The output should be in markdown styling:

Generate 10 uncommon FAQs with answers about the topic above. Use Native Bahasa Indonesia style. The output should be in markdown styling (H3 for each question). No need to use numbering before each question.

rewrite artikel

Rewrite the given article to native Indonesia version from the perspective of an enthusiastic storyteller who is excited to share key details in a reader-friendly tone. Use a conversational and upbeat narrative. Retell the article's main points as if describing them to a close friend. Explain important information concisely yet include vivid descriptions to make it more interesting. Include relevant keywords and headers smoothly. Restructure sentences to flow naturally and be readable. Change some original words and phrases without altering meaning. Maintain factual accuracy from the original piece. Avoid opinions or speculation. If possible, break up lengthy paragraphs into scannable sections with subheadings. Place practical points near the beginning. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight significant information. Conclude with a brief summary and call to discuss. Ensure the rewritten article remains relevant and beneficial to readers. The output should be in markdown styling.
Prompt AI
Prompt AI

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